Opinion: Our Democracy Needs Saving

by Camden Coale, Highland Park High School Bagpipe (Dallas, TX)

The infamous Capital Riot that occurred on Jan. 6, 2021, is a great example of a tragic trend in American politics.

 A trend where democracy is being valued less and the party matters more than the country. Those who expressed strictly liberal or conservative viewpoints have doubled over the past two decades as well as the share of voters with negative viewpoints of their opposing party. This trend is seeping into every aspect of American politics, including the most important position in any midterm election, the Secretary of State. Currently…

We’re in Need of a Trip to the Polls

by Sandra Nemes, Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts Muse (West Palm Beach, Florida)

As a campus with political clubs, student-led and student-organized protests, and high levels of governmental literacy in and out of the classroom, it’s reasonable to infer that our student body is politically involved. Yet, as recent data shows, we aren’t. 

Out of students  The Muse polled through an Instagram story posted Aug. 22, over 69% of students were unaware of their ability to volunteer at the polls on voting day if they were above the age of 16 and pre-registered. Considering that approximately half of our student body fulfills the age requirements for volunteering, a disconnect emerged when considering the lack of student involvement on voting day: a disconnect that is a direct result of our limited poll education. 

Editorial: It’s time to get on Board with voting!

by Editorial Staff, Redwood Bark (Redwood High School - Larkspur, CA)

On Nov. 8, three of the five seats on the Tamalpais Union High School District (TUHSD) Board of Trustees will be up for election on Marin County’s general election ballot. Two incumbent members, Cynthia Roenisch and Kevin Saavedra, are re-running, as their four-year-long terms are set to expire in December 2022. Current trustee Dan Oppenheim’s term also expires at the end of this year, but he has decided against running for another term. Meanwhile, Renee Marcelle, Barbara McVeigh, Damian Morgan and Emily Uhlhorn will also campaign for the three open seats.

It’s wrong to ignore your right to vote

by Daimler Koch, Van Nuys High School Mirror (Los Angeles, California)

Ah, yes. Voting. A cornerstone of American freedom. 

The framers of the Constitution vigorously debated voting rights, the extent of the population they should be granted to and the power they should hold. More than a century after that, African-Americans and women both tirelessly fought for the right to vote, with words and ink and protests, and won it. And yet, the rights these numerous demographics toiled and hustled to gain access to are disregarded by many, dismissed with a metaphorical wave of the hand. Especially by 18-year-olds. 

Not to harp on the maturing greenhorns of Gen Z — everyone between the ages of 8 and…

Too young to vote? Student opinions on the Oregon gubernatorial election and what teenagers can do if they can’t vote.

by Edie Himmer, West Linn High School Amplifier (West Linn, Oregon)

The recent election for Oregon governor has urged students with an interest in politics and social issues to reflect on their own opinions. Three anonymous students in AP Government and Politics shared their thoughts on the governor race, their experiences with activism, and their general involvement in politics and social issues….