New Law Harmful To Transgender Student Athletes

by Ellie Levy, Highland Park High School Bagpipe (Dallas, TX)

During a third special legislative session called by Gov. Greg Abbott, a new law was passed, amending an existing law regarding the participation of transgender individuals in high school sports. 

It requires that public school students compete in University Interscholastic League, or UIL, competitions based on their gender assigned at birth. This law, also known as House Bill 25, went into effect on Jan. 18, 2021.

Addressing misgendering within TUHSD

by Editorial Staff, Redwood Bark (Redwood High School - Larkspur, CA)

For most, the first day of school involves a plethora of name games and awkward icebreakers. While these activities aim to help us “get to know” our peers, oftentimes, they fall short of achieving one fundamental goal: understanding our classmates’ identities. A key part of this concept requires familiarizing ourselves with our classmates’ gender and pronouns. For many, this might seem trivial — but using the correct pronouns at all times is crucial.

Point/counterpoint: gender neutral bathrooms

by Kath Shelden (fae/they) and Cate Bouvet (she/her), Nordic News (Inglemoor High School - Kenmore, Washington)

Point: Having more gender-neutral bathrooms on campus would benefit everyone and they should be added as soon as possible.

Gender-neutral bathrooms are a necessity. It’s essential that more are added to campus before its upcoming remodel. They provide a much-needed safe space for gender non-conforming and transgender students, and adding more of them would make the gendered bathrooms less crowded.